Tempered Glass Vs. Plastic Screen Protectors: Which is Better for Your Device?


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  • Tempered Glass Vs. Plastic Screen Protectors: Which is Better for Your Device?



Do you have a phone, tablet, or laptop that you use every day? If so, then you need to protect the screen with a screen protector. There are many different types of screen protectors available, but the two most common types are tempered glass and plastic. So, which is better? In this blog post, we will compare tempered glass and plastic screen protectors and help you decide which one is best for your device.

Tempered Glass Vs. Plastic Screen Protectors: Which is Better for Your Device?  

What Are Tempered Glass Screen Protectors and Plastic Screen Protectors?

Tempered glass screen protectors are made of tempered glass, which is a type of safety glass. Tempered glass is strong and durable, and it can resist shattering and breaking. In fact, tempered glass is so strong that it is often used in car windshields and other applications where safety is a concern.


Plastic screen protectors are made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) or TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane). Plastic screen protectors are less expensive than tempered glass screen protectors, but they are also not as durable. However, plastic screen protectors can be cut to fit any size or shape of the device, which makes them more versatile.

What Are the Differences Between Tempered Glass and Plastic Screen Protectors?

Now that you know what tempered glass and plastic screen protectors are, let's compare them. The below outlines the key differences between these two types of screen protectors.


There will be a price difference between the two options depending on the quality of the material used. A tempered glass screen protector will cost you a little more due to its own expensive raw materials, but it's also quite durable. You may purchase many plastic protectors for the cost of a single tempered glass screen protector.


Tempered glass screen protectors are more durable than plastic ones since they're made of actual glass. They're resistant to shattering and breaking and can last for a long time with proper care. Plastic screen protectors, on the other hand, are not as durable and can get scratched easily. It's also simple to scratch plastic with your fingernails or items in your pockets!
Tempered Glass Vs. Plastic Screen Protectors: Which is Better for Your Device?


Tempered glass screen protectors are usually thicker than plastic ones. The tempered glass usually has a thickness of approximately 0.3 to 0.5mm as compared to roughly 0.1mm for plastic screen protectors.


Installing a tempered glass screen protector is easier than installing a plastic one. The former just needs to be placed on top of your device's screen and pressed down gently, while the latter might need some cutting to fit your device perfectly and then needs to be applied wet for it to stick properly.


Tempered glass screen protector removal is typically more difficult than plastic screen protector removal. This is because tempered glass tends to stick to the device, making it hard to remove without damaging the display.

User Experience

Tempered glass screen protectors have a smooth surface that looks just like your device's screen, while it is easy to clean the coating from fingerprints and smudges. On the other hand, plastic screen protectors have a slightly frosted or matt appearance. Some plastic screen protectors may discolor slightly or affect the visibility of the screen.

Which is Better for Your Device?

So, which type of screen protector is better for your device? As we can see, both of them have their own pros and cons. If you want a durable and long-lasting screen protector, then go for tempered glass. If you want a cheaper and more versatile option, then go for plastic. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your own needs and preferences. We hope this blog post has helped you to understand the differences between tempered glass and plastic screen protectors so that you can make an informed decision about which is best for your device. Thanks for reading!